Volatility of the crypto market
The degree of change in the value of an asset over a certain period is called its volatility. Volatility is usually measured by the volatility index.
The cryptocurrency market is characterized by increased volatility.
Price dynamics can vary up to several tens of percent in a short period of time. Such changes are not standard for classical financial instruments, but are quite common for the crypto market.
The volatility index depends on:
1. News. Cryptocurrency is still a novelty to many, so any news can have a significant impact on its price.
2. Perceived value compared to fiat currency. Most cryptocurrencies have properties inherent in gold: for example, they need to be “mined”, and both of these assets are available in limited quantities.
3. Liquidity. In other words, the ability to quickly sell or exchange an asset for another coin or cash at a fair price.
Market volatility is an important detail that allows traders to analyze the prospects for buying digital assets in a given period.
The GRAND token is not subject to volatility at the moment. Its cost is prescribed by a smart contract. The value of the token will be affected by various market factors after the token is listed on the exchange.
However, active project participants play an important role.
The increase in the number of project participants affects the stability of the GRAND ! 💪🏻