Lionel Messi & Bitget crypto exchange

Bitget crypto exchange has announced the launch of a marketing campaign with the Lionel Messi participation.
Bitget is a crypto exchange for spot and futures trading, copy trading, as well as conducting OTC and P2P transactions.
The platform serves more than 2 million users from 50 countries.
The first video titled “The Perfect 10/10” with the participation of an Argentine football player has collected 3.4 million views on Youtube.
With the start of the World Cup, Bitget published the second video “Makeitcount” and announced a series of contests with prizes up to 1 million BGB and souvenirs signed by Messi as well.
According to Bitget Managing director Gracie Chen, cooperation with one of the best football players in the world is designed to restore public confidence in the crypto industry.
“The collapse of several large companies has negatively affected the mood in the community. We believe in the future of cryptocurrencies and continue to invest in the ecosystem,” she said.
Have you seen the Lionel Messi video yet?